For Harold And Ivan
Today’s the day! Ghostbusters Frozen Empire is here! In just a few hours, I’ll be sitting in the theater with a nice bucket of hot popcorn and…well hopefully a Pepsi…and enjoying another Ghostbusters movie. Can’t believe this is our FIFTH (yes you heard me, of course I count 2016!) Ghostbusters movie and to say I’m excited would be an understatement. There’s something that brings the joy out of us all when we see that No Ghosts logo and hear that theme song. Something that sends us back to being a kid. When the world was still big and unknown. To a time when our main purpose was to ask questions and learn. And who better to learn from than The Ghostbusters?
Today I wanted to honor and thank our heroes who have sadly departed us. Harold Ramis and Ivan Reitman helped create one of the most fantastic, wild and inventive worlds, one that still connects with so many of us today. Ghostbusters has become an escapism for many and an inspiration to even many more.
Harold as Egon made it very cool to be smart and a little socially awkward(which who can’t relate to that? I know I can!) Not giving up just because others don’t believe in you but remaining loyal to those who do. While some of us may not be able to relate to his intelligence , I’m sure countless of us can relate to his eccentric and fun, weird personality while wanting to find the answers to life’s big questions.
Ivan helped craft this world that we immerse ourselves in. His great direction and passion to help create something so radical changed the world for the better. And in turn, inspired many directors, comedians and fans to follow their passion as well. I mean how many of us have a GhostTrap replica or Kenner toy on our shelves and think all the time “I bet I could be a good Ghostbuster!”? Ghostbusters means so much to so many of us and I can’t really imagine my life without it. It’s given me something fun and imaginative to enjoy and it’s lead me to meet so many great people and friends.
So for Harold and Ivan, we’re suiting up, we’re enjoying a Twinkie and some CheezIts and we’re going to continue representing your vision to make the world a better place. We love you both, we miss you and we are forever in your debt. Thank you for everything. This one’s for you guys!
-Chad Ecto