Conquering the 50 Mile Yard Sale

Oh boy. I've been waiting a while for this. After almost a month or so of nothing but packing for my upcoming move and working a new job, I've been tired and stressed out. Thankfully, the promise of 50 miles of nonstop yard sales was certainly a nice change of pace and the much needed getaway for an afternoon. So, after I woke up, I loaded up on sugar and made the hour drive down to Montezuma, a small town, right outside of Syracuse for this.

Note: I apologize in advanced for the photo quality, I'm using an old camera so they aren't all perfect.

Now, at first I expected massive failure. When I first arrived, I found miles and miles of nothing but baby clothes and old tools. Did I drive all this way for a free seat warmer that I found in some box on the side of the road? Well, it seemed like that. I went 10 more miles up the road before I found anything else of interest. But thank goodness I kept going because it got better...


Yes, I know there's only 12 in that photo, I lost one of the figures in my car. But oh well. For 15 dollars I found this awesome lot of Batman figures from the 1990 Dark Knight Collection all the way up to the Batman Forever line and everywhere in between. A nice little Batman multiverse collection including villains! And that carrying case! So bright and vibrant! But this wasn't the best part! The best part was what I got for FREE:


The guy who sold all these to me must've either been a former collector or dealer because the tubs of toys he had would usually be reserved for a toy store owner. But these were my favorite picks. I offered him 25 bucks for the figures above and the Batman lot, but he just threw these in for free, no questions asked. Dick Tracy figures, Star Trek,a Shadow figure, and a few Hulk Hogan items. Not bad for free, eh? Normally, I'd be paying at least a dollar each, but after chatting with the guy about toys and collecting, I guess he liked me enough to not ask for any money. I bid farewell, but I'd be back...

22 POSTERS!($2 total)

A little old couple had a giant bag of posters that belonged to their son who was apparently a film nerd because all this posters were mostly movies. I started investigated because I noticed the Punisher logo and knew I had found a cool poster. So, after finding out it was trashed, I almost walked away. They then said I could have the entire bag for just 2 bucks. TWO BUCKS?!?!?1 YES I'LL TAKE IT GIVE THEM TO MEEEEEE!

Sadly, out of the 22, only 5 were in decent shape. The either weren't gonna be displayed in my apartment, outdated and tacky or just didn't sell on eBay. But check out the ones I kept!

Not bad? I'm pretty happy with these. My girlfriend LOVES the Crow. I mean LOVES it, so I'm sure it'll turn up on the wall of our new apartment. And you gotta love the Bartman poster!

VHS! ($2 total!)

Yup! Elm Street and Halloween are great, but I've NEVER seen Frankenweenie, despite being a huge fan of Tim Burton, so I'm glad I was finally able to get a copy to sit down and watch. And Yogi The Easter Bear? Oh, just wait. That's getting reviewed for next Easter on this very blog!

Oh but I wasn't done in this church...

New Kids on The Block Joey Button (.25)

Yup. No comment needed. I simply couldn't pass this up.

Willow Bowl and Spoon ($1.50)

Ok, I wasn't the biggest fan of Willow, but I love promo items from the late 80s and early 90s. Especially the unusual mailways and this is DEFINITELY an unusual item. If I recall, Willow wasn't the biggest success but spawned a lot of merchandise. But hey, I now have a new ice cream bowl! And who doesn't want to eat ice cream with Val Kilmer and Warwick Davis?

2 nWo Shirt and Mug Combos ($5)

These. I love these. See, I'm still one of those weirdos that still rocks an nWo shirt with no shame. In fact, today I was wearing my nWo black and white shirt, which helped me get a few wrestling deals including this! I love a nice tall, cool mug of ice cold water, so what cooler mug to use than this? Even better, it comes with an nWo shirt! Downsider, I'm clearly not a xl. But, hey I got these for a sweet price and see no reason I can't keep one and put the other on ebay!

Now, the person who sold me this was kind enough to throw in an item for free. I'll let you gaze upon it...

HOWARD THE DUCK NUMBER 1. OH YES!!!!! Now THIS may have been the item of the day! Quite a nice freebie, eh? The seller had a stack of silver age comics, but this was by and large the best comic in the pile. Very happy to walk away with this for free!

After a little bit more walking, I decided I was good with what I had. I had gone about 30 miles of the 50 mile point, so it was by no means a waste at all. So I packed up and headed back home. But not before I stopped at that first table and got these...


The guy hooked me up again. He said if I bought the two Biker Mice From Mars, he'd throw Egon in for free. Without another argument, I gave him 4 bucks for both Mice. He then told me all 10 figures in my other hand could be all mine for only 4 bucks. Yessir. The entire nWo, Sting, Earthquake, the New Adventures of He-Man, Chris Jericho, a Kevin Nash figure, and an LJN Ricky Steamboat all for 4?!?!? YES. THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?!?!?!

With all these toys and eBay fodder loaded in my car, I bid Montezuma a fond farewell and drove back home. Definitely some great items, a nice view of Montezuma and it's small town charm. I'd probably go back next year if the vendors were different. I wouldn't want to go back for the same stuff. I will highly suggest anyone who hasn't experienced this before, to do it next year! With 50 miles, you KNOW there's gotta be treasures waiting just for you!


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